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Children's & Teens Counseling Services

Supporting children's and teen's mental health

Children’s and teen’s mental health is vitally important for their overall development and well-being. Understanding the specific needs of a child can be difficult, especially when that need is related to anxiety, depression, or other struggles of coping with life-changing events.

Children are constantly looking for new strategies to cope with how they feel and may not always understand their feelings. Children and teens often experience stress and anxiety in school, social interactions, within the family, social media use, and other areas. The results of not knowing how to cope effectively can lead to behavioral concerns, isolation, or depression.

Here at Soaring Families Counseling, we believe that a family that works together and learns together is a family that THRIVES together. If your child has demonstrated one of these symptoms or any other areas of concern, we can approach this together to teach your child how to communicate their concerns and provide them with the skills to cope.

Benefits of children’s and teen’s counseling:

  • Positive Emotional Expression - counseling provides a safe space for children and teens to express their emotions, helping them understand what they are feeling, why they are feeling that way, and how to manage those feelings in a positive way.

  • Develop Coping Skills - we help children learn healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and other life challenges in our constantly changing world and environments.

  • Higher Self-esteem - working with a children’s counselor can boost self-esteem and help young people develop a positive self-image that carries with them throughout adulthood.

  • Better Communication Skills - we help young adults improve their communication skills which can strengthen their relationships with peers, parents, and teachers.

  • Improved Academic Performance - addressing underlying issues such as motivation and time management can lead to better academic performance.

  • Improved Behavior - therapy can help build healthy behavioral habits and thinking patterns.

  • Overall Mental Health Support - children’s therapy provides crucial support for mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Setting Future Goals - counseling services can help your children and teens set and pursue future goals, guiding them toward a brighter future.

Why choose Soaring Families Counseling for your child or teen’s therapy services?

  • Specialized Expertise - Soaring Families Counseling has been working with children for over 12 years.

  • Personalized Approach - every child is different and has different needs. Our approach is to first connect with your child and build a relationship, establishing trust so we can fully understand how they feel and work with them on their therapy goals. 

Contact us today and learn how we can help your child or teen take the steps to building a brighter future.