The Power of Positive Self-Talk!

  Many of us are familiar with the saying “You’re your own worst enemy.” While it’s all too easy to fixate of our own shortcomings, why can’t we do the opposite instead? “Instead of being our own worst enemies and critics, we could be our own biggest fans!” Validate Yourself! Today many of us unfortunately rely so much on external validation, myself included. I’m not going to deny that it feels great knowing that someone else was thinking about me, approves of what I did, what I wear, laughs at my jokes, or gives me the thumbs up, but when we rely on or come to expect that external validation, we can be disappointed. Rather than waiting for the next “like” or comments on social media, let’s try some self validation! We sometimes miss out on those good feelings that we can generate from ourselves. Rather than relying on others to make us feel better, we can promote ourselves. This can lead to many other positive attributes: improved mental, emotional health, confidence, self-esteem, and overall happiness. Now don’t be afraid that this may be egotistical or prideful; there is nothing wrong with a little self-motivation! Just like the story of “The Little Engine That Could,” the caboose was motivating himself to accomplish his goals. If we were to take the same approach and cheer ourselves on up that hill, just imagine the strength we could muster for ourselves! It doesn’t take much to come up with some positive talk. Let’s start off with a simple cheerleading statement, such as, “I am whole, perfect and complete just the way I am.” Another one you might try is, “I am doing the very best I can in this given moment.” These are a few general positive examples, but I encourage you to come up with your own. Your Own Personal Cheerleading Statement The challenge is to create a positive cheerleading statement that is personalized to you. It doesn’t have to be hokey or cheesy; just be genuine and honest. Try to find something that you really value about yourself internally; while it’s fine to sometimes focus on the external (like your physical appearance), surface things can change from day to day, so try to notice and celebrate something that is more constant. Acknowledge your own personality traits, your specific character, and what makes you, well, you. Find that special thing that you like about yourself, and create a positive cheerleading statement from it. Once you have it, try to recite this to yourself daily. Write it down and post it on your mirror so you can see it as you’re getting ready for the day. Place it on your fridge, put it by your alarm clock that way you see it every morning, or write it on a flashcard and keep it with you as a constant reminder. Use this positive self-talk to motivate you throughout your day and see how much you can accomplish with just a little positive self-talk. For more information regarding positive self-talk and positive affirmations, please feel free to contact me. I would love to answer any questions or assist you in creating your own cheerleading statements. It’s time to get the validation YOU DESERVE!